Conversation Between AK and ∞

  1. ∞
    Can't change the subject.. I fucked up worse than Tyrlop when he posted the father of Zionism on the Anti-zionist page
  2. ∞
    Bailey187 has some stupid sayings, but I think he's too easy to put on a sig...
  3. You can er... shut up now. kthnx
  4. ∞
    I guess it ain't an assault if I like it, it would just be masochistic. .....I have some strange fetishes
  5. Still, terrible fucking timing.
  6. ∞
    Ooh not to what sankara said I was imagining ifva hot chick assualted me
  7. ∞
    Don't act like you don't want a woman to sexually abuse you :/
  8. wtf @ your post in the sexual abuse thread
  9. haha
  10. ∞
    "and Purging by removing enemies by force or removing them either as internal enemies or bourgoise left overs." (Referring to "the revolution.")
Showing Visitor Messages 101 to 110 of 201
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