Conversation Between ericksolvi and The Jay

  1. Hugo Chavez agrees that there is a parallel between the overman and the new man.
    " "Nietzsche says the most beautiful thing about man is that he isn't an end, but a bridge between the animal and the 'super man,' the 'ultra man,'" Chavez said. He added that he sees parallels with the teachings of Jesus, the philosophy of Karl Marx and the socialist ideal of a "new man" espoused by Argentine revolutionary Ernesto "Che" Guevara."
  2. The Jay
    Thx for the review btw
  3. The Jay
    Your talking of Nietzsche's over-man sounds like che's new-man. I think that you'd enjoy reading his input on that subject. From what I understand, the new man has reached a level of class and personal consciousness that work would be a joy, ect. ect. If you do look into it and I'm wrong could you let me know?
  4. So was my response to your blog helpful?
  5. The Jay
    There I fixed it, could you take a peek now that I published it lol
  6. I don't see any blog entries. Is the blog in question somewhere else?
  7. The Jay
    Could you give me your opinion of my blog? I think your opinion would be most helpful.
  8. I've gone over the SPUSA web site. It seems like a nice party, and I would have joined, but they have membership dues and I don't even have a credit card, or checking, makes paying for things online next to impossible.
    I live on about $400 a month, out of which $315 goes to rent, and $22.50 to Spokane transit. As poor as I am, I'm still not as angry at the system as many of the people I've met here. I just don't feel that anger is constructive. For me communism is not about hating capitalism, it's about preventing the collapse of civilization and the dawn of a new dark age. Capitalism cannot continue indefinitely, the way it looks now it's close to collapse. Communism a plan to escape from the burning ruble. A way to have civilization, without the need for constant struggle.
    Anyway I'm rambling, 9pm and I'm already tired, enjoy youth.
  9. The Jay
    Are you in SPUSA?
  10. I guess I'm destine for low points then. I can't buy milk without writing an essay about it .
    I'm enjoying myself here as well. Facebook and the gay equivalent DList, are just so stupid, or I should say people act stupid on them. I get a lot on intellectual stimulation out of all this.
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