Conversation Between Oktyabr and Communist Theory

  1. Communist Theory
    btw you will probably get yelled at for that.
  2. Communist Theory
  3. Agreed
  4. Communist Theory
    Okay tip for you don't ever post agreed in any thread.
    It tends to attracted the likes of STJ, Killfacer, and Comrade Joe.
    It's a old joke and you will likely get yelled at for starting an agreed train.
    Ask RedAnarchist about it he is the main enemy of the word agreed.
  5. Communist Theory
    Do you still want to become rich then be humanist?
  6. Communist Theory
    "You contradict yourself when you're talking about me not wanting to be labeled."
    I said that you are pretty much the opposite of the guy that did not want to be labeled. And I apologize if I seem like an asshole it's just that you don't need to ask our permission to join a group. Do what ever you want.
  7. Yes, I like to combine the individuality (I like strength of character, thats it) and the revolutionary spirit of anarchism, with the self discipline and unity of communism.
  8. Communist Theory
    So you're an anarcho-communist?
  9. haha very funny. I was bored. Now stop spamming my channel comments with useless chatter and idiotic statements.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9