Conversation Between Weezer and The Ben G

  1. The Ben G
    Dunno. I guess I fell down an internet well.
  2. Weezer
    Where did you go?
  3. Weezer
    I couldn't find it a few hours ago. Never mind.
  4. The Ben G
    I don't know. Still looks to be there.
  5. Weezer
    What happened to your facebook?
  6. The Ben G
    No. I will have to see whether they have them on pdf.
  7. Weezer
    My DVD set has one episode of Bottom and Filthy Rich and Catflap each. I'll have to look into those shows more. Have any of the Young Ones books? Neil's Heavy Concept Album?
  8. The Ben G
    I will see what I can do. I think the site hates me, so it does that to mess with me.
    I know, man. Stupid BBC not allowing shows to carry on. You should check out Filthy, Rich, and Catflap and Bottom. They have Ade Edmondson and Rick Mayall in them, also.
  9. Weezer
    I finished all the Young Ones episodes. I wish there was more. Also, I can't see the text when I typed comments on your profile, might want to change the text to a color besides white, plzthnx.
  10. The Ben G
    The first disc won't work.
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