Conversation Between Havet and #FF0000

  1. #FF0000
    So, I want to make chiptune music. I was thinking about using FLStudio but that seems like overkill for this kind of thing. You know of any other good programs?
  2. Havet
    Alright. Thanks again!
  3. #FF0000
  4. Havet
    Thanks for the rep on the videos. Out of curiosity, were you born in one of those years?
  5. Havet
    What's with the rep'ing lately? Been enjoying my posts?
  6. #FF0000
    I like their videos more than their music, but I like'em.
  7. Havet
    By the way, heard of Sigur Rós? What do you make of them?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7