Conversation Between Brosa Luxemburg and The Jay

  1. The Jay
    Join the dino-tastic revolution.
  2. The Jay
    I read the first few sections. I will be reading some more today.
  3. Brosa Luxemburg
    How far into Workers' Councils are you? And I know what you mean, when I returned after Christmas I was working about 9-10 hours everyday. Now things have thankfully calmed down, although I need the money so i'm not so depressed about it
  4. The Jay
    You're almost done! Damn you! Haha. I was making good progress before the christmas rush at work. That drained me like a lake full of leeches. The after christmas return-fest has been like a swarm of mosquitoes. Now I will have more time for study. I ordered a copy from AK Press so I should get it soon even though I ordered the 2-4 week delivery. It is only coming from two states away so I won't have to wait long unless something goes wrong. I will be reading it online until then.
  5. Brosa Luxemburg
    I'm almost done with Capital and i've already read Workers' Councils, though I wouldn't mind reading it again. It's not really that long.
  6. The Jay
    I'm glad that you have been able to grow! I am still reading Capital and just ordered Pannekoek's Workers' Councils and will be reading that. Would you like to join me in reading either?
  7. Brosa Luxemburg
    If you did email me I never saw it lol. I saw you take a weird approach to SIOC, but I don't remember if that was you or another person.

    My views really haven't changed too much. If anything, things I read have seemed to reinforce my beliefs. The only thing that is different is that I do think we are living in the "decadent phase of capitalism" (where before I didn't really accept it).
  8. The Jay
    I have been reading a lot of things. It has been a bit slow-going since I have been working full-time. I have gotten through some books though. I have been reconsidering some of the labels that I attribute to myself since I feel like there have been some shifts in my politics. I think that I emailed you a while ago. I can't remember.
  9. Brosa Luxemburg
    Not much brah, not much.

    We haven't talked much lately. Your views change on anything?
  10. The Jay
    Yo, what's up?
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