Conversation Between motion denied and consuming negativity

  1. motion denied
    Oh nvm I think I got it. I'm so thick.

  2. motion denied
    what beer do you speak of?
  3. oops lmao
  4. motion denied
    I tried to read it in Portuguese though.
  5. because the words being in a second language gives you a pretty good excuse for finding it difficult, whereas english is my first language and so this really should not be as difficult for me as it is
  6. motion denied
    Yes, why?
  7. isn't your native language portuguese though?
  8. motion denied
    Weird coincidence, or is it?

    It was too hard for me as well, that's why I never really read the whole thing.
  9. had actually made a choice between "the revolution of everyday life" and "society of the spectacle" just a few days ago to read the former of the two. just thought it was interesting that you happened to be reminded of one by my one post; i've started reading it and i have to say that i feel a bit stupid still being on paragraph 6 after three reads through the rest trying to decipher this codex.
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