Conversation Between PilesOfDeadNazis and RedHeadedTitan

  1. RedHeadedTitan
    lol I am a reformed conservative...but I do not lean towards communism but rather anarchism.
  2. PilesOfDeadNazis
    I see it more as the Right(the Democrats) and the More Right(the Republicans) instead of the Left and the Right when it comes to American politics. The only remotely Leftist things the Dems do is only for working class popularity.

    It's always fun to look at Conservative's faces when they hear someone say that Obama is, indeed, NOT 'the farthest Left you can get', as so many claim him to be.
  3. RedHeadedTitan
    I do detest both parties equally. I see no difference. The left and the right are out to destroy this country.
  4. PilesOfDeadNazis
    No fucking joke. It's just awful.
  5. RedHeadedTitan
    TN is a strong hold for
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