Conversation Between Rascolnikova and Holden Caulfield

  1. good to be back
  2. Rascolnikova
    haha. .. yes.
    I really hope I'm not as much of a drama queen in real life as I appear to be on here.

    The holiday sucked, but the year looks very promising. Yours?
  3. hey hey, love the CC thread, gotta love a bit of drama,
    good new year?
  4. no worries, i know the feeling,
  5. Rascolnikova
    thanks again. . didn't mean to bug you, I just find it really disconcerting to be accused of being something I specifically try not to be.
  6. answered
  7. Rascolnikova
    Awe. . that does sound lovely.
  8. nowt to serious i hope,

    im going home, gonna see the love interest, the family and my niece is coming up to be with her Dad for crimbo so i'll that little sprog as well,

    should be good to get back to lovely Cumbria, i miss the hills haha
  9. Rascolnikova
    Not too bad. Minor health problems, but major unexpected increase in life stability (I might be getting health insurance and a house), so it all works out.

    Doing anything good for winter holiday?
  10. haha im worse, i like to annoy people then make inane comments to piss them off more,
    i just finished my last essay of the semester, i feel so happy and free, how are you?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 23