Conversation Between ArisVelouxiotis and Blake's Baby

  1. ArisVelouxiotis
    Oh ok.Thanks comrade.
  2. Blake's Baby
    Part 4 is the part I keep quoting about the 'revolutionary dictatorship of the proletariat'. Part 1 is where Marx talks of the 'higher stage' of communist society. The whole thing isn't very long:
  3. ArisVelouxiotis
    Oh sorry.I wanted to read the critique of the gotha programme and I thought it said part IV.Cause I haven't read it I thought it was in parts.My bad.I hope you understand
  4. Blake's Baby
    Sorry, you've lost me comrade - what 'other parts' are you talking about?
  5. ArisVelouxiotis
    Can you send me the links for the other parts of critique of the gotha programme?
  6. Blake's Baby
    If you saw the post, you know that I was reporting what someone else said.

    I quoted it because in my case it's true. I was about 30 when first came across the Communist Left, and about 32 when I heard that remark (and still an Anarchist). I thought then it was a smug and annoying thing to say. But I stopped being an Anarchist an became a Marxist (secifically, a Left Communist) when I was about 37.
  7. ArisVelouxiotis
    I saw one of your post saying that a left communist is what an anarchist becomes when he grows up.Why do you say that?
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