Conversation Between RedSunRising and The Douche

  1. The Douche
    Oh yeah, I know that. Gun threads are always a mess on here.
  2. Not all Europeans are anti-gun by any means!
  3. The Douche
  4. Check out what RED DAVE wrote on my wall! LOL!
  5. The Douche
    Yeah I meant AFA now, which, while obviously political, doesn't make clear-cut political positions like RA did.
  6. AFA was mostly a Red Action and as psycho said DAM thing. They were pretty political.
  7. The Douche
    Some people in RAAN took it more seriously than others. But the reality is that RAAN never had a lot of influence, because of the strategies it took (the main focus was do something, build the name of the organization and attract people). It was also plagued by the main problem that anarchist organizations have, in that there is no formal structure, so the leadership becomes dominated by certain individuals because of their personalities, and there is no real way to challenge their position or their ideas. RAAN was really bad about this because of a position it has known as the "No Bullshit Policy".
  8. RA had influence way out of proportion to their membership, you could only become a member as opposed to a supporting member if you were very serious, I always had the impression that RAAN wasnt that serious? Maybe I was wrong though...
  9. The Douche
    RAAN has no organized presence anywhere.
  10. Did or does RAAN have a presence in housing projects in the US?
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