Conversation Between the last donut of the night and h0m0revolutionary

  1. the last donut of the night
    Thank you very much for the information.
  2. h0m0revolutionary
    I did a bit of a look around the net earlier and found very little other than a descriptive account o current goings on and a few articles the left have put around about Ugandan LGBTQ discrimmination in general

    As for the responce of the Ugandan left however there really is nothing. I'm told there exists a very repressed LGBT movement - they are spoken of here for example:

    But the left is Uganda is either pruposefully very quiet, or so very futile and small and therefore powerless to resist such things. i expect it's the latter :/
  3. the last donut of the night
    Do you know about the position of Ugandan leftists on LGBTQ liberation?
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