Conversation Between StoneFrog and StarCityPartisan

  1. StoneFrog
    Yeah, ill read through your site once you got it up.
  2. StarCityPartisan
    If you agree with our strategies, I will send printed copies of each handbook. Then you can organize across the sea. We believe in radical democracy, so any organizations in other countries will be independent, but we would of course cooperate, share experiences, advice and the like. Eventually we would like to have a representative body on an international level to pool the resources and talents of the broader world working class.
  3. StoneFrog
    Ill make sure to check it out, i wish i knew of something like this in the UK. I've kinda gotten dishearten from most organizations; they all carry around their own baggage, preventing any sort of development.
  4. StarCityPartisan
    Exactly my opinion. I will be sending a link as soon as my organization's website is up. It will have a Collected Works section. It will be a book with a new strategy to mobilize the working class that will be posted each month, hopefully to be completed in a year it less. We are honestly not interested in uniting the hardline factions of leftists in the US, but instead educating the masses and making Marxism accessible to everyone.
  5. StoneFrog
    TBH maybe both are, each thinks the other is just role playing. Since the left idolizes people of the past and don't develop modern solutions.
  6. StarCityPartisan
    Your signature is great! Out of curiosity, do you think the less militant ones are roleplaying, or the uniformed ones?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6