Conversation Between The Jay and The Disillusionist

  1. The Disillusionist
    Thanks for the recommendation. Looks like it's available online, so I'm gonna have to get around to reading it soon.
  2. The Jay
    The German Ideology was the first thing by Marx that I read and holy shit was it good. It is a must read for anyone wanting to understand Marx in any way.
  3. The Disillusionist
    Good luck. I love school, but it really is hard for a lot of people to fit into their lives.I haven't read the German Ideology, but it sounds interesting. I think the study of history definitely needs more theory to it, too many historians view history as just a list of stuff that happened and famous people that talked about that stuff. I'm approaching leftism from an anthropological approach, rather than a traditional Marxist approach, and I think that's one reason why I'm clashing with a lot of people, because we don't have the same frameworks of thought. I need to read more traditional leftist stuff, by Marx, and Engels, and guys like them.
  4. The Jay
    I am not a student at the moment but I am applying to get back into college. I had a period in my life in which school didn't make any sense for me at the time. Have you read The German Ideology? I think that it is a great theory of history.
  5. The Disillusionist
    Advanced Nonfiction Writing (English), Advanced Conversation and Composition (Spanish), Human Behavioral Ecology, and History and Theory of Anthropology. How about you, are you a student?
  6. The Jay
    What classes are you taking this semester?
  7. The Disillusionist
    No problem. I've got half the members on this website jumping down my throat at the moment, so I'm used to it. I'm doing pretty good. I'm a student and finals week is coming up, and then after that, I can collapse and sleep for 3 days. How about you?
  8. The Jay
    I think that we got off on the wrong foot. How are you?
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