Conversation Between ComradeMan and Azraella

  1. ComradeMan
    à votre service madame! * bends knee and tips feathered hat.... quelle suavité!
  2. Azraella
    Eh, I'm not worried about them taking it down >.>
  3. ComradeMan
    Thanks for the invite but a) OIers can't join groups- my groups got taken over and shut down when I got restricted and b) they will probably shut the religious group you made down... but thanks anyway...
  4. Azraella

    Yeah, I started that if you're interested in joining.
  5. Azraella
    Ok, fair enough.
  6. ComradeMan
    Just to let you know, I am not attacking genuine spiritual people and whatever there path is...
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6