Conversation Between Comintern1919 and ComradeMan

  1. ComradeMan
    This guy is blatantly trolling in his own incoherent way!
  2. Comintern1919
    Yeah. Sorry about your thread. But what do you expect in a thread against Stalin. The most idiotic 12-years old wealthy Stalinist comes out of his hole just to say how great Stalin was, all the while feeling cool to like such an ass.
  3. ComradeMan
    That guy is a master of non-sequiturs!
  4. Comintern1919
    Oh, and thanks for the german version of the poem, not many would make the effort to look for such. Thank you!
  5. Comintern1919
    Hah, soon? I'm merely 10 days or so here, and already see that. The only relief is that there are quite some who aren't, like you and me. And we have always better arguments.

    But really, always, when discussing with Stalinists and Maoists, if you crush they arguments, they come with so absolutly ridicilous points like "Your'e a rascist", "Everything against Stalinism is western propaganda, even if it's communist", and of course, the famous "You ain't left if you don't like Stalin". Or they say Stalin was good (only) because he helped the USSR get richer, and more powerful. Which I think is a 100% capitalist way of thinking.

    But as long as I see people like you here, my hope won't die. Unfortunality, your'e restricted. Stupid...
  6. ComradeMan
    Unfortunately you'll soon see here that a lot of people at RevLeft think that leftism is about worshipping failed dictators and being assholes towards people.
  7. ComradeMan
    Kein Mensch ist eine Insel, vollständig in sich selbst;jeder Mench ist ein Teil des Kontinents, ein Teil des Festlands.Wenn die See ein Klumpen Erde wegspült, ist Europa weniger,genau so, als wenn es ein Vorgebirge wäre ,genau so, als wenn es das Anwesen deines Freundes wäre, oder dein eigenes.Der Tod jedes Menschen verringert mich, weil ich in die Menschheit eingebunden bin;So schicke nie einen Diener zu fragen, für wen die Glocke läutet; sie läutet für dich.
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