Conversation Between odysseus and oneday

  1. oneday
    Here is some in-depth criticism of the coop movement:
    The relation to the state and the competitive market pressures are extremely important.
  2. oneday
    Yeah, he is easy to follow, I myself listened to him when I started learning. But I think he is glossing over some things or distorting the larger picture of capitalism as a system to support his advocation of cooperatives. I came to this conclusion from reading Capital itself (also reading David Harvey's companion book and lectures, I feel he has prejudices as well but they are not as egregious as Wolff).
  3. odysseus
    Not really. Wolff is just the easiest to access, and the first person alive I came across who has credibility. Plus he talks in 21st century terms. I honestly would not know a lick about labor theory of value or other concepts if I had to listen to all the marxist terminology first. But I think that now I understand the concepts, I could unserstand reading Luxemburg and other people.
  4. oneday
    Wolff is useful at times but have you been exposed to other socialist thinkers? You seem to basically always link stuff from him.
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