Conversation Between Lensky and argeiphontes

  1. argeiphontes
    Oh, ok. I'm sure my Polish isn't very good either. My parents are from there and I was sent to a Polish school when I was a kid. Most of my family is still there so I've been there several times. I have to say, that because of the reactionary immigrant environment I was raised in, and Poland's own love for everything American, I was pleasantly surprised to find 2 Polish people on this board (you and tuwix).
  2. Lensky
    My Polish is quite bad so I'll type this in English - great to see another Polish communist in what is currently a pretty reactionary eastern Europe! I am currently living in Canada.
  3. argeiphontes
    Chciałem powiedzieć cześć bo widzę że Jesteś z Krakowa. Moji rodzice są z Polski (z Warszawy i Kieleckiego woj.).
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