Conversation Between Module and BobKKKindle$

  1. haha, i hardly have vast amounts of knowledge. Whilst I'm happy to help, I'm just on my way out, so if you like you can send me a PM or visitor message and whatever it is I'll see if I know anything a bit later on.
  2. Module
    hi bob, i am writing an essay and would benefit from your vast amounts of knowledge. it's not drastically important so if you're busy no need to bother, but if you are not busy and don't mind, msn would be good so i can ask you things : )
  3. Module
    Bob this is a bit random but I need your knowledgable-ness on msn.
    And heyyyyy 3333 posts!
  4. yo sorry I was away yesterday, could you post me that link again so I can have a look? cheers
  5. Module
    Another visitor message, as I just got back from a day out in LANDAN, I repeat it's pretty awesome here. It makes Sydney look like some shitty shopping village.
  6. Module
    It's gooooood. Nice weather! Nice clothes and nice people.
    And nice buildings.
    It still feels like it's a holiday, and it's a weird feeling that now I am here for good. I had my interview for college yesterday afternoon, in Brighton (such a nice place! despite the ridiculously high population of pretentious indie-fucks) and so now I've been accepted and so on and its scawwy but very cool. The college doesn't look that nice, environment wise, but I shouldn't be expecting anything else because that's just what all those places look like. The people I have talked to seem friendly enough, and we visited (gazed from the street outside) our future house, which is so close to everything, and literally less than a minute walk to the station. It is good.
    So yes. The UK is lovely.
  7. How is the UK?
  8. Module
    Holden requests you come on MSN.
  9. Module
    "Should I feel guilty about being attracted to the women you draw?" Yes.
  10. Module
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 30