Conversation Between Little Bobby Hutton and Rosa Lichtenstein

  1. Rosa Lichtenstein
    In that case, you need a thread on dialectcs first. There have been several. The most recent is here:

    However, I have written a very basic guide to this theory, designed for absolute beginners, here:

    A longer and more detailed version of the same can be found here:
  2. Basically i just want to hear both opinions as im not very well versed in dialectics, and i think the way the thread has been set up with 1 question one answer at a time, it will be benificial for all of us on revleft to see you two debate rather than question each others question


    Little Bobby
  3. Rosa Lichtenstein
    Well, Red Cat has been avoiding debate since the late autumn on this topic, so I do not know why you think yet another thread on this will change his/her avoiding tactics (no pun intended).
  4. Hey Rosa, me and some other dialectics virgins have opened a thread for you and red cat to debate dialectics and m,aos theory of change, you get the first question and red cat has to answer before challenging, then you will answer his critique etc, this wy me and the others can learn and the thread wont be trolled, all the best
    Little Bobby
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