Conversation Between mikelepore and ZeroNowhere

  1. mikelepore
    Thanks for letting me know, Z. I'll go read on what's being discussed.
    Yeah, it seems that after I quoted you on new products under socialism (the quote ckaihatsu likes, IIRC), the quote has been attacked as non-socialist or something of the sort on a rather silly basis (jobs have no place in socialism!), so I figured it would be worth letting you know.
  3. I figured you may like this article, if you haven't already read it.
  4. Ah, merci. It was a good choice.
  5. mikelepore
    [Reply] My avatar is something I saved over ten years ago when someone in alt.binaries.clip-art requested drawings of the phoenix and responders posted many versions. I have used this and a few other variations of red bird drawings as trademarks when selling merchandise on my web site .
  6. Just wondering, but what is your new avatar? It would appear to be a phoenix, but whence?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6