Conversation Between Khalid and Workers-Control-Over-Prod

  1. Workers-Control-Over-Prod
    I am not precisely a Eurocentrist, i am one at the moment because of the circumstances: if we jump in on the fascist rhetoric and current populism of the "EU bureaucratic dictatorship!" we are only doing harm that will fuck up the material conditions for a revolution in Europe. It is better to have all the capitalists in one basket than to have them change the whole political attention towards national borders, national feelings, national segregation etc.
    I am of course for the destruction of imperialist EU! Just not for the populist anti-stance against it which focuses attention on national states and leads nationalism/ bourgeois wars. What we need to focus on is educating on the causes for the EU crisis on class terms!
  2. Khalid
    These chauvinist "peace-securing" unions are only trying to maintain the social peace in the West while fucking up the rest of the world. Peace in the Europe means nothing to me, if imperialism is destroying millions of lives somewhere else. Eurocentrism is not helping the revolution.
  3. Khalid
    Transnational and international organizations are needed and the workers of the Europe should unite. But the EU is not a healthy basis for working class unity. It is only uniting the European capitalists while turning European workers against each other with this populist anti-EU nationalism. And the EU itself is an imperialist, racist and chauvunist organization that is used to oppress the third world workers.

    If we are not for destroying the EU, then what are we for? We can't simply transform a capitalist state into socialism. Capitalist state must be destroyed so that the workers can build a new socialist state. Same goes for the imperialist EU. If we support the EU, then we must also support our capitalist states and parliaments. That is the path of opportunism and social democracy.
  4. Workers-Control-Over-Prod
    For instance: had a European Union existed in the 1930's-1940's, Germany would have been attacked by all EU members if it had attacked one EU member state. The same is true for NATO; everyone know what kind if an imperialist tool this is, but it does secure a kind of peace among the capitalist class that are in it. So long these kind of peace-securing unions of capital exist (however reactionary they may be; in fact, the reactionary the more arguments we have against this kind of institution), we have to make sure that they are not destroyed by inter-bourgeois feuds, war is too high a cost and not helpful for the revolution in today's capitalist (legally totalitarian) states. We simply have to agitate for workers to organise and build institutions in their interests once they take power.
  5. Workers-Control-Over-Prod
    Comrade, i see that you are against the EU, why so? I find it very important to make sure that Transnational unions exist so long there is capitalism, especially with Europe's history. Of course the EU in Brussels has more lobbyists than politicians, is an imperialist organisation etc. but i think we should not jump on the current populist train of resisting the "EU bureaucratic dictatorship!"; We should voice our discontent towards the particular kind of institution it is, a neo-liberal, utterly reactionary and imperialist tool for capital. We should though make clear that nationalism means war, that if the current anti-social corrupt capitalist EU is not replaced by a democratic social Union of European States, and that only the unified European working class can make this happen, there will not be peace or a future.
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