Conversation Between Sam_b and Communist Theory

  1. Communist Theory
    You brighten my day with your posts sam!
  2. Communist Theory
    I was saying that I have no present plans to attempt to join the CC. Once again I apologize for using AIDS as a joke, it was very immature of me.
  3. Sam_b
    To be honest I would look for another CC member as presently i'm not prepared to nominate you.
  4. Communist Theory
    I'll leave the CC in your hands.
  5. Sam_b
    That doesn't really matter, especially if you want to be taken seriously and be in the CC 'dumb kid' doesn't really cut it. If such views etc aren't challeneged then we're not doing our jobs properly. Please don't do it again, if anything for me as this one of these things that I have personal and emotional connections to.
  6. Communist Theory
    Jeez take it easy Sam.
    I apologize.
    I are just dumb kid you know?
  7. Sam_b
    'Take a joke'? 'lulz'? Let me ask you something - do you know anyone who has HIV, or any friends? Ever seen a friend slip away in front of your eyes in excruciating pain? Well I certainly have. What about back in the day when AIDS was discovered and used as vile attacks against the LGBT community 'the gay mans plague' for example? And you think this can be something humourous, something funny?

    If so, please don't mind if I call you a fucking lowlife. Where does the buck stop - rape, famine, all fair game for your 'lulz'?

    I eagerly, eagerly, await your reply, no doubts filled on a defensive tone that its my fault for not appreciating your high-brow satire.
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