Conversation Between SuchianFrog735 and Kindness

  1. SuchianFrog735
    As I said in the thread, wouldn't it make more sense to help the victim instead? I'm not really sure how killing them accomplishes much other than giving some closure. I can somewhat understand the mentality of never letting them act as a threat and what the implications are.

    I guess I just want to see good and productivity in people to a point. People are indeed complex, and to not let people atone(but still trying to keep people from getting victimiized) would be a shame.
  2. I don't really support the death penalty in practice due to the possibility of executing an innocent and the certainty of state corruption. Philosophically, however, I feel it is a great injustice to not give the victim the justice she or he deserves by severely punishing the criminal. To leave the perpetrator unpunished is to do violence to the victim, in my opinion. Therefore, capital punishment can be justified on pacifist grounds. Still, if there is some other punishment than death that can give the victim justice, then it should be preferred. Life imprisonment seems to do this -- especially if it is in solitary confinement -- and allows wrongfully convicted people to be released, so I support it over death.
  3. SuchianFrog735
    I'm a bit confused. You're a pacifist yet you support the death penalty? I don't want to harp but it's something that's been nagging me a bit
  4. SuchianFrog735
    There's definitely some "no true scotsman" mentality, and some ardent anti-capitalist/imperialist tendencies to the point where it clouds the judgement(almost literally supporting any movement that's against capitalism).
  5. No, there isn't a singular definition of "revolutionary left" beyond, obviously, the left that supports revolutionary change. This website seems to have a strong focus on Marxism-Leninism, which I emphatically reject.
  6. SuchianFrog735
    Ah I see. Seems they're pretty strict on that(is there a singular definition of "revolutionary left)?
  7. Long story. It's all there in the "Unfair Restriction 6" thread.
  8. SuchianFrog735
    Hey, you've made some good posts. Why the restriction?
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