Conversation Between NoOneIsIllegal and Искра

  1. Do you maybe have pdf version? I've spend all my paycheck on records
  2. NoOneIsIllegal
    Book suggestion: "Anarchism and the City" by Chris Earlham
    You claim to be a nerd, so get it!
    After reading your post(s) in the Anarchism thread, I am highly interested in your thoughts and arguments after reading this book. No, i'm not trying to convert you back to anarchism. It actually agrees and points out a lot of the flaws of the Spanish Revolution/Civil War, just like you said, but from an anarcho-syndicalist perspective. It holds no bars and gives a lot of criticism towards the CNT-FAI.
    I'm interested in your thoughts if you ever get around to the book.
  3. I wasn't here for around 2 years (or one and the half). During that time I was reading and doing activist work. I wrote here why did I change my political views: What I didn't mention are certain aspects of practice and anarcho-syndicalist world movement with which I'm not happy, altrought I have no ilussions about any other left tendency. I may be now a "lef com" (even I'm not so sure, but it's close to my beliefs) but still I mostly work with anarchists, cause here we have only anarchists, trotskysts and stalinists...
  4. NoOneIsIllegal
    You made the jump from A-S to Left Com? That seems quite drastic. Any particular reason?
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