Conversation Between StalinFanboy and The Vegan Marxist

  1. The Vegan Marxist
    Ahhh...that. Shit, I haven't updated that since I first came onto this forum. All it meant was to question everything you're told, and to never give a 100% belief in anything. Keep questioning and build yourself up from the answers you receive. I haven't used that statement though in over a year, I believe.
  2. The Vegan Marxist
    What are you talking about?
  3. StalinFanboy
    Tell me the truth... you made that shit up in your "political statement" section didn't you? Shit doesn't even make any sense.
  4. StalinFanboy
    Your dogmatic view of the world is saddening. There are multiple definitions of the word "state," and the Left, or the pro-revolutionary milieu or whatever, is divided into more than Marxist or Anarchist.

    That being said, there are plenty of "anti-state" Marxists that are far more theoretically advanced than you are.
  5. The Vegan Marxist
    I don't see how any Marxist can be anti-State whatsoever. If one's anti-State, I hope they don't consider themselves a Marxist.
  6. StalinFanboy
    Maybe I used to be an anarchist? Maybe I have friends that are anarchists in real life, and I don't have a problem working with them on certain projects?

    I don't really care what people call me, but you have a bad habit of calling anyone you disagree with that is remotely anti-state an anarchist. Maybe you should think about that. I mean, unless you're alright with being sectarian. I know I am.
  7. The Vegan Marxist
    You sure join in with various anarchist groups, apparently. If not an anarchist, why join such groups?
  8. StalinFanboy
    Except that I am not, so your argument is wrong.
  9. The Vegan Marxist
    But you are an anarchist. So your argument is irrelevant.
  10. StalinFanboy
    You are aware that not everyone who is critical of the state is an anarchist, right?
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