Conversation Between manic expression and Kassad

  1. Kassad
    I see your organizing of immigrant, union, anti-war and LGBT demonstrations and struggles and I raise you a spraypainted building and a bucket of water on your newspapers! Take that, Leninist scum!
  2. Kassad
    I'm familiar with several members from New York, so I'll be sure to send your regards. I'll let you know how it is as well, since it looks like it's going to be big this year. Stay safe and keep up the struggle.
  3. I'm studying abroad in Sweden until June, so unfortunately I can't make it. Be sure to extend my best regards to all our NYC comrades for me (they know me as Chris)...I can't wait to see them and work with everyone in the party as soon as I get back to the states.
  4. Kassad
    I can't remember if you told me whether you were coming to March 20th or not. Are you making it out this year? So many people I have to meet.
  5. Kassad
    They announced the national march on Washington for next year. You'd better get your ass there!
  6. Hey Kassad, I saw your latest post in the PSL forum...congratulations!!! Very well done, comrade, now I have to catch up with you when I get back to the US.
  7. Kassad
    Things are pretty nice here. We're getting our education slashed like no other, so I'm working on getting an ANSWER/PSL branch going as soon as possible so we can organize against that. I mean, every branch and area seems to have their issue and I think that's our prime one here in Ohio. Hope you and your family are having a good time.
  8. I haven't worked directly on the campaign since July (I'm actually with my family in Europe so my candidacy's on hold for the time being), but from what I hear it's going well. I really have no idea what numbers we'll be looking at in November, but I'm confident they're reaching more workers every day. I'll try to ask one of the NYC comrades in a few days to get a better idea.

    How are things around your way?
  9. Kassad
    Looks like the Villar campaign is gaining a lot of steam. How do you think she'll do when the election rolls around?
  10. Kassad
    Why isn't your name blue? Talk to an Admin about that.
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