Conversation Between AngelCity Neo-Stalinist and Robespierre2.0

  1. Robespierre2.0
    Well, the French Revolution happened a couple hundred years ago. I like it because it was the first major bourgeois revolution where society was flipped onto it's head and the tyrants were drowned in their own blood, but I wouldn't try to claim it as part of the 'anti-revisionist' canon.

    At the time, the cult probably seemed progressive to Robespierre- The enlightenment world-view was still idealistic, so atheism probably would have seemed rather unnatural, so the logical conclusion for that time period would be to create a new religion, keeping the same basic format, but stripped of the reactionary (for that time) baggage used to justify Monarchy and the extravagance of the catholic clergy.
  2. AngelCity Neo-Stalinist
    Just wondering: what do you think of the cult of the supreme being and Robespierre's theism in relation to anti-revisionist atheism?
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