Conversation Between Book O'Dead and Caj

  1. Caj
    Why would I post any more messages on your profile? I've already adequately explained the doctrine of Roosterism to you. And you're welcome.
  2. Please stop posting messages on my profile or I will report them to Admin. Thank you
  3. Caj
    And it's not nonsense. It's the highest qualitative stage of Marxism thus far.
  4. Caj
    Threads regarding glorious comrade Rooster (RIP) and his doctrine of Roosterism are not allowed on this forum anymore. Seeing as your thread regarding Roosterism was trashed before an avowed Roosterist could explain to you the significance of Rooster and his thought, I decided to answer your question in this way.
  5. Why did you post all that nonsense on my profile? I can't discuss with you anything over this medium. If you have something to say to me that is political or topical, I suggest you turn in into a thread in the appropriate forum.
  6. Caj
    Also, that happens to be our glorious comrade himself in my avatar!
  7. Caj
    Here is the thread in which glorious comrade Rooster was banned for his supposed "rape joke."
  8. Caj
    For those revisionists who call Roosterism a "joke" tendency, we have only this to say: Roosterism isn't any more of a joke tendency than Marxism-Leninism.

    Roosters of the World, Unite!
  9. Caj
    Basic Marxist-Leninist principles were implemented successfully, though with shortcomings, in the Soviet Union during the leadership of Lenin and Stalin, but it was the experience of socialist construction and the 'Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution' in the People's Republic of China under Mao, however, that heralded 'Mao Tse-Tung Thought' and later 'Maoism' as a new qualitative advancement of Marxism-Leninism. The greatest fault of Maoism was its failure to recognize the most revolutionary class: the roosters, and the failure to recognize that the theory of the bloc of four classes really should of been the block of five classes.
    Roosterism can perhaps be best and most simply described as the teachings of Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin, and Mao adapted to the material conditions of the farm.
  10. Caj
    Roosterism, as based mainly on the teachings of Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, Vladimir Lenin, Josef Stalin, Mao Tse-Tung, and our glorious leader Rooster, is the highest qualitative stage of Marxism so far and is the guiding ideology of revolutionaries the world over who carry forward the fight for a world free of all class distinctions, all exploitative production relations, all oppressive social relations, and all corresponding reactionary ideas - the communist world of the future.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10