Conversation Between Welshy and Yuppie Grinder

  1. As someone who actually eats babies i refuse to be associated with stalinists. :P
  2. I prefer the term baby-eater.
  3. Yeah the revolutionary marxist group is one created by the kautskyists, which is unfortunate since there are more revolutionary marxists than them.

    While I think we should embrace the term ultra-left and start referring to stalinists as grave-digger-of-the-revolution-ist, you might want to just make it marxist if you want to avoid that label.
  4. I didn't really think of the Revolutionary Marxist group as being exclusive to "social-prolecrats". I originally changed it from left-communist to revolutionary marxist because I was getting tired of Stalinists spouting "ultra-leftist" instead of having an actual argument.
  5. Just out of curiosity since you seem like a leftcom, why do you have the neo-kautskyist group as your tendency?
  6. Lol at Stalinists thinking you're serious about Juche.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6