Conversation Between Atsumari and Cliff Paul

  1. Cliff Paul
    Hey, I've actually been mostly off the internet for the past 6 months. I injured like 4 or 5 discs in my back and have been bedridden since then. Landscape work is brutal and I'm never going to do that shit again.
  2. Atsumari
  3. Cliff Paul
    i have a steam account
  4. Atsumari
  5. Cliff Paul
    don't have a skype right now but I refuse to use any chan website
  6. Atsumari
    Chatango is dead again. Migrate to Skype or /leftypol/
  7. Cliff Paul
    My new tendency is: Marx-Senpai-Atsumariist
  8. Cliff Paul
    I can't put bread in my mouth though because I'm gluten free! Senpai will never notice me!!!!!
  9. Atsumari
  10. Cliff Paul
    asero ignores me too now!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 17