Conversation Between Anarcho-Brocialist and Brosa Luxemburg

  1. Anarcho-Brocialist
    I don't believe it did either because he didn't try to usher in Communism lol. What can we expect though? He only said he was a little left of the center.
  2. Brosa Luxemburg
    Yeah, for being an American President he was alright. I do like Howard Zinn's critique of the New Deal for "not going far enough". You should read it sometime. I am not sure if it online or not.
  3. Anarcho-Brocialist
    I'm a fan of his New Deal, although all that besides FDIC, SEC, and Social Security have been stripped. A job for all, education for all, and civil rights for all was a nice. I liked him for being an American President.
  4. Brosa Luxemburg
    Eh, I mean he was one of the "better" Presidents and I do think he did things that helped out the proletariat in a time of crisis for sure, but overall the measures he took were to protect capitalism from destruction. What about you?
  5. Anarcho-Brocialist
    Did you like FDR?
  6. Brosa Luxemburg
    Two fractions of the business party.
  7. Anarcho-Brocialist
    No contrast between the two lol
  8. Brosa Luxemburg
    I was a Democrat. Silly me.
  9. Anarcho-Brocialist
    What were you before you became a Socialist?
  10. Anarcho-Brocialist
    Indeed, they have. Life does that, you know?
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