Conversation Between AK and Chambered Word

  1. Silly hypocrites those bourgeoisie are ^^
  2. Chambered Word
    Exactly. They are pretty much the 'welfare queens' they love to preach against.
  3. Think about it, just what the hell do the bourgeoisie even do all day? In what way do they even contribute any sort of productive work? Yet they get paid for owning some land.
  4. Chambered Word
    It's a fucking lovely system eh?
  5. Didn't think you'd be bothered to check back on the picture's page so I'll reply here.

    "According to capitalist logic, those richest 20% work around 60 times harder than the poorest 20%, makes sense eh?"

    Hmm, it seems that if you're a capitalist then the less you work, the higher your salary goes.
  6. Chambered Word
    Will do, could go up to a few weeks though.
  7. tell me when its done >.<
  8. Chambered Word
    Same age as me now. I have to wait til bloody November to get my L plates!

    I'm doing some more work on the anti-Beck video at the moment, reading the stupid bullshit Fox News comes up with is mentally tiring.
  9. Well I turned 15 and I got a new avatar... otherwise nothing much happened in the last 3 days.
  10. Chambered Word
    Don't cry now... Happy birthday Ducky!

    So what's happening?
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