Conversation Between AK and Chambered Word

  1. Chambered Word
    Get the fuck on Facebook nao.
  2. Chambered Word
    I'm not shedding any tears
  3. Universal Struggle got banned for "general trollishness"?
  4. Yay! Lewis

    Yeah, but at least I annoy him. I'm proud of that.

    I see you picked the new group picture

    And it's been only a few hours since I found out what Maoism-Third Worldism is and now I'm laughing my ass off
  5. Chambered Word
    | ***** be *****in'.
  6. Neeerrrhhh. You should change the Forkliftist group picture to my new one.
  7. Mkay.
  8. Chambered Word
    Hummmm...I'll probably put it on tomorrow, it's pretty mad. Can't be arsed doing it right now.
  9. Dude. I made a better forkliftist group picture.
  10. Chambered Word
    Nah, feels good man.
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