
  1. 'Der Schwarze Kanal', Regarded by many as a satire show, the protagonist and host of the show, Karl Eduard von Schlitzner, made it his life's purpose...
  2. Jean Ziegler (1934-), UN commissioner for the Human Right on Food, Author and acquaintance of Che Guevara. Born in Switzerland to a wealthy...
  3. Eugen Leviné was a Communist, revolutionary and leader of the short lived Bavarian Soviet Republic. Executed on June 5, 1919 (aged 36) Stadelheim...
  4. Karl Eduard von Schlitzner (1918-2001), director and protagonist of his 40 year long tv channel in East Germany "Der Schwarze Kanal" 'The Black...
  5. Henry Metelmann (1920-2011), son of a railroad worker grew up in Hamburg in the Weimar republic and was later forced into the Hitler Youth. Wrote...
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